Blog Archive

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Giveaway details!

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I didn't post this earlier! I had a project due on yesterday, so I was working all week to get it done. I didn't realize how hard it would be to study with my kids around. I don't know how parents who go to full-time school do it, but kudos!

Okay, so now onto the giveaway details:

I lost a son threw the nail art polish on the ground while I was trying to take pics and it cracked. But the good news is I'm doing 3 prizes. First prize is 2 Orly nail polishes, decorated fake nail set, Sally Hansen nail file and 19 fimo clay canes. (I don't know why just happened to be what I grabbed at that moment.) Here's the pic:

And the 2 smaller prizes each get 1 China Glaze nail polish and 10 fimo clay canes.

Now onto the rules:

-You must be a follower of this blog.
-You must repost the details of this post on your own blog.
-Leave me a comment under this post letting me know that you want to be entered in the giveaway and your email address so I can contact the winner.
-If you don't have a blog of your own to repost on, no worries, just let me know that in your comment.
-Open internationally.
-Contest ends April 28th, 2010.
-Once I contact the winner by email, that winner will have 3 days to contact me with your mailing info. If I don't hear from you, I'll have to pick another winner.

Easy peasy right? So get on it!

Just want to say thank you thank you so much to all my followers! You guys are the best-est...est! xo.