Blog Archive

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Franken - Potter's Purple

Hi all!

So today I have something for you that was a gift from my friend Michelle. She made me a beautiful franken so that's what I'm going to show you today!

Potter's Purple, three coats in indirect sunlight. Do you see Michelle? I made you a label! :D Potter's purple is a medium purple, dusty holographic polish with aqua/blue colored flakies. Can you see she combined the things that I love in polish to make one awesome one? It's not too holo, just how I like it.. She even named it after my favorite book/movie series; Harry Potter. I'm a real Harry Potter nerd as you'll probably have noticed so the name suits perfectly as well :)

Let's take a look at some more pics! I took a couple, they're reflecting the process from "in the shadow" to "in full sunlight". Please click on the pictures to enlarge!

Is that gorgeous or what?!

Application was good! The polish was easy to work with and drying time was fairly quick.. I can't think of any downside of this polish! Michelle, you made me an awesome polish and I will definitely be wearing this a lot <3 Now, if you'll excuse me.. I'm off to a bit of staring at my polish in the sun ;)

Thanks for stopping by!