Blog Archive

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Recent NOTD

Hi all!

A quickie today! I just have a recent NOTD to share with you..

W.I.C by Herome Lisbon, three coats in daylight. This polish was a gift from Karin and Michèle at our playdate.. Thanks dears! ♥ Lisbon is a medium purple with hints of pink shimmer. I think it's a gorgeous shade. I don't own any polish like this, so it's unique in my stash!

Application was a bit tricky since the polish was a bit thick, but nothing unmanagable - and nothing that thinner can't fix. Drying time was good and the wear of this one was great. I wore this for five days before taking it off, with only minor tipwear and one teenie chip.

That's all for today, I wish you all a wonderful and sunny weekend.

Thanks for stopping by!

PS: The bottle I'm holding is Misa Ummm You're Too Delicious ;)