Blog Archive

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Zoya Ivanka

Hi all!

So today I have the second polish from the Zoya Sparkle Collection for you: Zoya Ivanka. Let the pictures do the talking..

Zoya IvankaZoya IvankaZoya Ivanka, three coats in daylight. For the second picture I adjusted my camera settings a bit to show you how she really looks, since my camera makes her look a bit dull with the regular settings.. Ivanka is a true stunning green with golden sparkles. Whoa. It's no coincidence that this is the color of money with a name like hers..

This one easily makes it to my number one green, bumping China Glaze Emerald Sparkle from it's throne. Damn, this is gorgeous. Of course, I had to mattify her as well..

Zoya Ivanka Essie Matte About YouZoya Ivanka Essie Matte About YouZoya Ivanka with one coat of Essie Matte About You. This glows! It looks like dragon hide.. Hm. Maybe I'm reading too much Harry Potter. But look at her!

Zoya Ivanka Essie Matte About YouIs that gorgeous or what? I can't stop saying how awesome this is.

I did a little Konad on her as well. Of course, I used a gold to stamp with..

Zoya Ivanka China Glaze 2030 Konad Imageplate M73 KonadicureZoya Ivanka stamped with imageplate M73 and China Glaze 2030. The colors play really well together! In the closeup you can see that Ivanka just won't stop sparkling underneath the Konadicure.

Zoya Ivanka Konad Imageplate M73 China Glaze 2030 KonadicureSee? What else can I say.. This is a great color!

Application was good. The polish is a bit watery, but easy to work with and opaque in three coats. Drying time was good as well.

What do you think of Zoya Ivanka?

Thanks for stopping by!